Hacienda - Hazelwood
• Ellen Dorsa
• Pat Carriveau
The Neighborhood
Hacienda and Hazelwood neighborhoods border each other, and CERT members from both areas work together as one unified neighborhood group. We have active team members from all walks of life, whose areas of expertise includes a variety of skills such as certified ham radio operators, and trained and certified First Aid and CPR/AED practitioners. We meet monthly via radio or email check-in and bi-monthly for training meetings. The bi-monthly training meetings are held to practice and hone proficiency in all of the nuances of CERT activation. Emergency response skills are exercised by participation in neighborhood, city-wide and county-wide drills as well. Many of our team members volunteer to staff the first aid booths at community events along with participation in the “Neighborhood Night Out” each fall. Our team and the San Tomas Area Community Coalition (STACC) actively work together to better help all of our neighbors and readily welcomes new members.
The Hazelwood Neighborhood is bounded by Winchester Boulevard (East), W. Parr Avenue (South), and Burrows Road and South San Tomas Aquino Road (West). The Hacienda Neighborhood is bounded by Budd Avenue (Northwest), San Tomas Expressway (East), Sunnyoaks Avenue (South) and San Tomas Aquino (West).
For more information or to answer any questions regarding the Hacienda/Hazelwood neighborhood CERT, please contact Campbell CERT at info@campbellcert.org.