Downtown Campbell
• Vince Staub
Neighborhood Association
• Downtown Campbell (DCNA)
The Neighborhood
Right in the heart of Campbell, the Downtown Campbell neighborhood is located between Highway 17 and Winchester Avenue, and Hamilton Avenue and Kennedy Avenue.
Some of the CERT members have been involved in CERT since 2003. The current team began forming in the fall of 2014 and continues to add new members. The team is trained in disaster preparedness for hazards that may impact our neighborhoods in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations. There are over 1,000 households in (and growing) the Downtown area and our team is partnering with the Downtown Campbell Neighborhood Association (DNCA) to help every household be a little more prepared for an emergency or disaster.
For more information, please send an email to info@campbellcert.org or pass a note though the Contact page.